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Object List+ Custom Functions
A very powerful feature of Object List+ is the ability to define custom functions. 

Custom functions allow you to easily run more complex queries against the model. As an example, assume that you want to list action blocks that have entity action views. This requires a check that the action block has an entity action view, or an import or export view that has the 'supports entity actions' property ticked. To perform this check against each action block would be very time-consuming, but once developed as a custom function, it can easily be run on demand.

Custom functions can be developed in two ways - either using custom SQL queries (via the System Admin client) or, for more complex requirements, using C or COBOL in the user exits.


IET provide various example custom functions and you can download examples of custom sql queries from the the IET support centre.

If you have an idea for a custom function that could be useful and want help developing it, get in touch.
Darius Panahy, IET Ltd

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