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Release 8.8.5 now available
Release 8.8.5 is now available to download.

You can view the release notes here: https://www.iet.uk/Download/RelNotes.htm

IET recommend that you install the service pack to obtain the latest fixes and new features.

In addition to fixes and minor enhancements, Release 8.8.5 also includes these new features:

Studio Developer

Compare to Minor Version
The PAD Editor contains a new feature to compare the current PAD to a minor version. Invoking this function displays a dialog box from which a minor version is selected. The current PAD is then extracted to a text file in the same format as the minor version and a Beyond Compare window is opened to display a line-by-line comparison between the current PAD and the minor version. 

Default Return Exit State
You can specify the name of a default ‘returns on’ exit state in the Model Preferences. If this preference is set and an exit state is found in the model or subset with this name, then when adding a new link dialog flow, the returns on exit state is defaulted to this exit state.

Search Text includes views
The search and replace text function now includes view names as part of the search when <ALL>, Action Diagram or Views is selected. 

Viewing Screen / Window Designs using Studio Editors
There is now an option to view screen and window designs from the GuardIEn Studio client (i.e. from Object List+) using the Studio Developer screen/ UI designer rather than the GuardIEn GUI Windows client. The advantage of the Studio viewer is that you can choose alternate dialects to display and see more details compared to the GUIO viewer. The choice is made using the GuardIEn Studio preferences dialog.


New Tutorial Structure
The Tutorials have been enhanced to provide additional Getting Started Guides and content update. The Tutorials option accessed from the main menu now only contains the option to view the course material, with the setup of the Tutorial Projects moved to the System Admin client.

CICS Newcopy step for HE
The CICS newcopy/phasein was previously implemented via a SU exit step for the HE. It is now provided as a standard step type with support for remote job submission to cater for CICS regions that reside on a separate LPAR.

HE FTP step now supports RPD
The HE FTP step to transfer source, ncal, dbrm and load modules now also supports the use of the GuardIEn Remote Processing Daemon (RPD) as the transfer mechanism.
Darius Panahy, IET Ltd

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