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FTPS (TLS encryption) for GuardIEn client FTP functions
The FTP function provided with the GuardIEn client uses the Microsoft WinInet library which does not support TLS encryption (often called FTPS). 

For the next Release 8.8 service pack, the GuardIEn client DLL has been modified to use the libCurl library that supports SSL/TLS encryption. 

FTP is used in the GuardIEn client for:

- Transferring transaction (.trn) files between the toolset and encyclopaedia server for upload/download tasks
- Transferring XOS files between the client and the XOS file server(s)
- Transferring XOS minor version files between the client and encyclopaedia server

If the server supports or requires TSL encryption, then the client will automatically negotiate the encryption.

If you would like to participate in beta testing TLS encryption for the GuardIEn FTP client functions, please contact us.
Darius Panahy, IET Ltd

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