2021-11-03, 12:20 PM
A recent thread in the Gen knowledgebase (High z/OS CPU utilisation for Gen action blocks generated with trace) highlighted a general problem with the performance of code generated with trace related to passing view data to the trace runtime. [/url]
[url=https://www.iet.uk/xTrace/index.html]xTrace has a feature that overcomes this performance penalty. If you are not actively tracing an action block, the code that moves the data to and from the trace runtime is bypassed.
As a result, the performance overhead of running the application that has been generated with trace whilst you are not actively tracing is significantly reduced.
If you would like to know more about xTrace and how it can improve the tracing and testing of your Gen z/OS applications, please visit our web site or get in touch to discuss a free trial.
[url=https://www.iet.uk/xTrace/index.html]xTrace has a feature that overcomes this performance penalty. If you are not actively tracing an action block, the code that moves the data to and from the trace runtime is bypassed.
As a result, the performance overhead of running the application that has been generated with trace whilst you are not actively tracing is significantly reduced.
If you would like to know more about xTrace and how it can improve the tracing and testing of your Gen z/OS applications, please visit our web site or get in touch to discuss a free trial.
Darius Panahy, IET Ltd
Darius Panahy, IET Ltd