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GuardIEn WebCR Option
2 May 2014

The recent launch of GuardIEn Release 8.5 Service Pack 2 introduced a new release of our WebCR interface for GuardIEn.

The new release of WebCR has been developed with Rapide, and it provides a great way of accessing GuardIEn Change Request and Release Pack information from any browser without having to install the GuardIEn clients.

Previous versions of WebCR have required a separate licence. However we would like to encourage you to experience the great UIs that can be built with Rapide, and have therefore decided to include WebCR as a no-charge option for existing GuardIEn users.

Installing WebCR is also easy. You can either install it with a built-in simple application server or deploy it into your own application server.
To get started with WebCR, download the installation guide and the software from the IET support centre.

[Image: webcr1.gif]
Darius Panahy, IET Ltd

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