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Release 8.8.4 Preview 3 - Action Diagram Compare Editor
Release 8.8.4 of the IET DevOps suite (including GuardIEn and Studio Developer) contains many exciting new features and enhancements.This preview introduces a new Action Diagram Compare Editor in Studio Developer.

It is often useful to compare two versions of source code, for example when performing parallel development or re-working a fix into a new development version.

Developers will often use file comparison tools like Beyond Compare which provide a side-by-side compare of two versions of source code to identify differences and which also allow both versions to be edited simultaneously to make it much easier to merge changes.

Up until now this has only been possible for Gen development by comparing action diagrams that have been saved as text files, and in this approach editing is not possible.

Studio Developer provides a new editor that performs a side-by-side comparison of two action diagrams as can be seen in the screenshot below. The action diagrams can be from the same model or two different models, and reside either as a local model on the workstation or in the encyclopaedia. For example you can compare an action diagram from a development model that is downloaded to the workstation with the production fix model in the encyclopaedia.

The Compare Editor provides full action diagram editing capabilities for both action diagrams, allowing changes made to be easily re-compared until the desired changes have been made.

Darius Panahy, IET Ltd

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Release 8.8.4 Preview 3 - Action Diagram Compare Editor - by Darius Panahy - 2023-09-20, 07:32 AM

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