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xTrace 2.6.0
xTrace 2.6.0 is now available. 

The main change in this release is that the Monitor and Windows xtService have been upgraded to use Visual Studio 2015 and CA Gen 8.6 runtimes.

A new version of the xTrace host runtime has also been produced but the 2.6 Monitor is compatible with earlier releases of the xtService and host runtime software and therefore the Monitor can be upgraded without needing to upgrade the host software.

It is recommended that you install the 2.6.0 host software since future fixes and enhancements will be provided to the 2.6 release.
Darius Panahy, IET Ltd

Messages In This Thread
xTrace 2.6.0 - by Darius Panahy - 2020-10-29, 11:53 AM
RE: xTrace 2.6.0 - by Klaus Seeger - 2020-11-09, 12:01 PM
RE: xTrace 2.6.0 - by Darius Panahy - 2020-11-09, 12:24 PM
RE: xTrace 2.6.0 - by Klaus Seeger - 2020-11-11, 02:20 PM

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